At the beginning of our treatments, I recommend the following meal plan. After 3-6 months of eating a clean, whole food diet that eliminates many allergens, you can begin to introduce other foods into back into your diet. The goal is to be able to listen to your body’s own wisdom about specific foods and your eating in general. When your body is healthy and your system is in balance, you can more accurately tune in to your own wisdom about the best foods for your overall well-being.
Protein—dense animal protein (fish, meat, eggs or any combo of) three times per day. Portion should be at least the size of palm of your hand.
All fresh veggies that you want except potatoes and beans (potatoes contain the same amount of sugar as a can of coke and beans contain phytates which block digestion of certain vitamins and minerals.
Fruit – if you are told your blood sugar is stable, then you can eat a small amount of fruit that is in season, but not fruit juice or dried fruit
Good fats—each meal should include fats such as olive oil, butter, avocado oil. No coconut oil or margarine
Water—drink spring water or a good filtered water. Not reverse osmosis. 1 liter per 50 lbs of body weight per day.
Snack—if you’ve been told you have a blood sugar issue, snack with protein/fat every 2-3 hours, and have a snack right before sleep. This takes the stress off of the adrenal glands, pancreas and many important functions of the body.
Avoid—in general avoid, wheat, corn, dairy, soy and sugar. Avoid these along with rice, potatoes, cereals, breads, pasta, desert and sodas.
Most should avoid alcohol, and coffee/caffeine should be at most, 1 cup per day in the morning only.
The ileocecal valve is a valve between the large and small intestine. When this valve gets inflamed, it can refer symptoms such as: Shoulder pain, low back pain, pain around the heart, dizziness, flu like symptoms, pseudo bursitis, pseudo sacro iliac pain, tinnitus, nausea, faintness, pseudo sinus infection, pseudo hypochlorhdria, headache, dark circles under the eyes, bowel involvement.
Eliminate from diet:
All roughage foods,
Popcorn, Potato chips, Corn chips, Nuts, Seeds, Whole grains
Spicy Foods,
Chili, Peppers, Salsa, Black pepper, Paprika, Cinnamon
No Liquors or Alcoholic Beverages
No Cocoa, Chocolate
Caffeine Limited To One Cup in the Morning with Breakfast
Why is the diet so important?
The diet we have patients follow eliminates all refined sugar and refined carbohydrates which are toxic to the body, depress the immune system and imbalance the biochemistry of the body. It also eliminates foods that most people are sensitive to. This diet among other things will keep your blood sugar in balance which will help to maintain the corrections that we make to your body. I have found it nearly impossible for complete healing to take place if the patient does not follow a whole food diet.
I started the diet but then fell off, what should I do?
Don’t despair! Following the diet as close as possible is something to work towards, and mistakes do happen. Do not be alarmed if some or all of your original (or new!) symptoms come back. Just start back on the diet again and your body should rebalance itself shortly.
I’m having a hard time changing my diet
Lifestyle change is one of the most difficult things a patient will have to do. This diet should be done in general—exceptions can be made for celebrations and special occasions! But the percentage of effort that you put into your diet will reflect the percentage of success that you will have with your treatments and health in general. Don’t give up if you make a mistake or you go off it for a short period of time. Just go back on the diet and you will see your health improve.
What about these food sensitivities?
Most people are wheat, dairy and soy sensitive, and in 50% of people corn is a problem. Adding these back into your diet could have an even much more adverse effect on your health then even sugars or starch. Even a small bite of a food you are sensitive can trigger dysfunction in your body.
What about canned and processed foods?
In general try to eat fresh, whole, organic foods. The body does not tolerate well chemicals in foods such as preservatives, rancid oils (such as vegetable oil), food colorings, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. All of these chemicals can impact your health.
I can’t possibly drink all of this water!
Start by drinking as much as you can and build up to the recommended amount for your body weight. Drinking water is one of the most things you can do for your health, along with proper diet and rest. Your body is made up of mostly water, and when there is not enough present, your body will start shutting down different functions in order to conserve water.